Since 2003
Let us show you our “AGAMExpo” you will never regret it!
Find everything you need to know about our Annual Gem & Mineral Expos.
With 6 events at different locations around Sydney throughout the year, we have something for everyone. Don't forget we're KID FRIENDLY, kids under 16, with a paying adult, enter FREE!
We are a family owned business that is striving to bring the wonderful world of lapidary, collecting and all things mineralogical, gems, fossils and all associated crafts to the people of Australia. We take an enormous amount of pride in what we have built over the last 20 plus years.
Bringing together over 130 various traders from around the country at 6 different venues there will always be something different at any one of our Expos.
If you want to know when and where our Expos are; have a look at the Expos page.
TICKETS: Available Online via Ticketebo (link below) or at the door.